miércoles, 10 de octubre de 2012

Unlawful advertising

Types of unlawful advertising:

  • Ilicit advertising: The one that attempts against people dignity or violates de rights and values recognized in the Constitution (specially those against chillhood, tennage or women).

  • Fraudulent/dishonest advertising:

  • Unfair competition: When an ad brings discredit or scorns a person or company. Unfair competition can also be find when a company bases its advertising campaign attacking a competitor without any type of proof.

  • Subliminal advertising:


lunes, 24 de septiembre de 2012

                    Evolution of car industry and advertising


Thanks to these videos we can appreciate the  evolution of the car industry as well as it´s advertising.

1st: Chevrolet ad from 1970.
 - Praises potence and eye-catching.
 - Focuses on the product.
 - Male oriented.

2nd: BMW ad from 2012.
 -Exalts design, technology and enviromental care.
 -Tries to sell a way of life.
 - Women gained importance.